VACLPGv2: passive vactrol low-pass gate (2HP - complete or PCB/panel)
This is pretty much your bog-standard vactrol LPG - there's an 'external' pot for CV level and in contrast to its predecessor, the trim control is broken out - this will control the amount of current through the LED part of the vactrol (this also affects the signal LED). You can switch between two capacitors (47nF and 470nF as supplied - you can change these if you're handy with a soldering iron) to alter the character of the output
Alternatively, if you'd prefer to roll your own then a PCB/panel set is also available - you can get the BOM and whatnot from here:
Since this is a passive module, you may need to add a bit of post-amplification to the output signal - fortunately, I've got a module that will do that for you.
2HP wide - mounting hardware included. Black FR4 faceplate with ENIG lettering.